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#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Dependencies:
#   python-gobject2
#   python-dbus

# Thorsten Wißmann, 2015
# in case of bugs, contact:    edu _at_ thorsten-wissmann _dot_ de

def print_help():
    print("""Usage: {0} SESSIONNAME [PDFFILE]

  A katarakt wrapper for synctex communication between vim and katarakt.

  SESSIONNAME is the name of your vim session, i.e. you have to start a vim
  session *yourself* and *beforehand* with

      vim --servername SESSIONNAME


  This script starts katarakt for PDFFILE. If no PDFFILE is specified, it tries
  to autodetect the correct pdf file (by finding a corresponding .synctex.gz
  file in the current directory).

  It registers a keybinding in vim (per default "ZE"), to jump to the
  corresponding page in katarakt. The vim keybinding can be overwritten by the
  VIM_KEY environment variable.

  If Katarakt emits the edit signal (usually on Ctrl+LeftMouse), then it
  opens the corresponding tex file in vim and jumps to the corresponding
  line in the texfile.

  If the user presses ZE in the editor, a message is sent to this script.
  This script calls synctex and sends the pdf-coordinates to katarakt.

  When katarakt quits, then this script exits as well.


  You need to compile the latex document using the option -synctex=1 in order to
  obtain the required .synctex.gz file.

Hint: VIM configuration:

  Add the following line to your vimrc:

  au VimEnter *.tex execute "nmap ZE :! synctex-katarakt-vim " . v:servername . " 2>/dev/null >/dev/null  &<LEFT><LEFT>"

  When typing ZE the first time, it automatically calls this script, overwrites
  the ZE keybinding, and opens a katarakt instance. After typing ZE the first
  time, you are prompted such that you can specify an alternate PDF file. If
  you want an alternate vim keybinding (e.g. <Leader>f), add this line:

  au VimEnter *.tex execute "nmap ZF :! VIM_KEY='ZF' synctex-katarakt-vim " . v:servername . " 2>/dev/null >/dev/null  &<LEFT><LEFT>"

  If your key contains something like <Leader> (or other keys containing "<"),
  escape it properly in the VIM_KEY= assignment.

from gi.repository.GObject import MainLoop, threads_init
import sys
import dbus
import dbus.service
import subprocess
import time # only for sleep()
import threading
import os
import re # for regular expressions
from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop

# tell dbus that we use the gobject main loop

loop = MainLoop()

#               Settings                #

def detect_synctexfile():
    # try to find the synctex.gz file in the current directory
    a = re.compile(".*\.synctex\.gz$")
    files = [f for f in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isfile(f) and a.match(f)]
    return files

def die(msg):

    session_name = sys.argv[1]
except IndexError:

if session_name == "-h" or session_name == "--help":

    pdf_filename = sys.argv[2]
except IndexError:
        synctex_filename = detect_synctexfile()[0]
        pdf_filename = re.sub("\.synctex\.gz$", ".pdf", synctex_filename)
        print("auto-detected {0}".format(pdf_filename))
    except IndexError:
        die("no *.synctex.gz file found in current directory")

vim_session = session_name
vim_view_keybind = os.getenv('VIM_KEY', 'ZE')
pdfprocess = subprocess.Popen(['katarakt', '--single-instance', 'false', pdf_filename])
pdf_pid =

view_command = ("qdbus" % pdf_pid +
                " / katarakt.SourceCorrelate.view" +
                " %{output} %{page} %{x} %{y}")

# connect to dbus
bus = dbus.SessionBus()

# wait for katarakt to show up
# it doesn't seem to be trivial to wait for an
# application to show up at dbus. hence the (still racy) hack

katarakt_booted = False
while != None and not katarakt_booted:
        katarakt = bus.get_object('' % pdf_pid, '/')
        iface = dbus.Interface(katarakt, 'katarakt.SourceCorrelate')
        katarakt_booted = True
    except dbus.exceptions.DBusException:

# register an own service on the session bus
busName = dbus.service.BusName('katarakt.synctex.vim.' + session_name,
                               bus = dbus.SessionBus())

class BridgeObject(dbus.service.Object):
    def __init__(self, object_path):
       dbus.service.Object.__init__(self, busName,

                         in_signature='sii', out_signature='')

    def View(self, filename, line, col):[
            "synctex", "view",
            "-i", "%d:%d:%s" % (line,col,filename),
            "-o", pdf_filename,
            "-x", view_command,

# create the dbus object and bind it to the bus

# inject the keybinding for viewing into the vim session
returncode =[
    "vim", "--servername", vim_session,
    ("<ESC>:map %s" % vim_view_keybind
    + " :exec \"execute ('!qdbus katarakt.synctex.vim.%s" % session_name
    + " / katarakt.bridge.View % ' . line('.') . ' 0')\"<lt>CR><lt>CR><CR><CR>")

if returncode != 0:
    print("Error when trying to register keybinding in the vim session \"{0}\"".format(vim_session))

# callback if the signal for edit is sent by katarakt
def on_edit(filename,page,x,y):
    #print ("go to page %d at %d,%d" % (page,x,y))[
        "synctex", "edit",
        "-o", ("%d:%d:%d:%s" % (1+page,x,y,filename)),
        "-x", "vim --servername '" + vim_session + "' --remote-silent '+%{line}' %{input}",

iface.connect_to_signal("edit", on_edit)

# Main loop and cleanup:
def quit_if_pdf_exits():

thread = threading.Thread(target=quit_if_pdf_exits, args=())

# enable threads again, otherwise the quit_if_pdf_exits-thread will not be
# executed